April 22 – May 19, 2021

Seeking Light, Finding Hope: David Cerulli & Mary Rieser Heintjes
Folding Light: Sidney Peter Turner
On the Wall: Galaxsea: Judy Mauer

Carter Burden Gallery presents three exhibitions: Seeking Light, Finding Hope featuring paintings by David Cerulli and Sculpture by Mary Rieser Heintjes in the East Gallery; Folding Light featuring hyper realistic drawings by Sidney Peter Turner in the West Gallery, and On the Wall: Galaxsea featuring an installation of photographs by Judy Mauer. The exhibition runs from April 22 – May 19, 2021 at 548 West 28th Street in New York City.

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David Cerulli

In the exhibition Seeking Light, Finding Hope David Cerulli presents a return to his early non-representational paintings that were inspired by the works of the abstract expressionists, particularly the monochromatic paintings of Franz Kline.  Reducing color options to variations of black and white was a way to simplify the painting process; creating bold contrasts that merge into more subtle variations of grays when black blends with the white of the primed canvas. Texture is also an important part of his process, using molding paste to create areas of texture and depth. Cerulli states, “All the uncertainties of Covid-19 are still with us as I write these words in early spring of 2021. It now seems to me that the paintings in the show have been influenced by the pandemic at least as much as by my intentions when I began the series. The unimaginable events of the past year simply overwhelmed my preconceived ideas for the work. News reports, theories, denial, science, numbers, dreams and so much more, became a part of my working method.”


Mary Rieser Heintjes

In Seeking Light, Finding Hope Mary Rieser Heintjes presents abstract, dynamic sculptures that utilize the technique of oxyacetylene welding with steel which is then kiln fused with glass. Her love of glass, color, effects of light, and drawing in space are very strong elements in the work as well incorporating observation of nature. The pieces eloquently combine two disparate elements, the luminosity, liquidity, and fragility of glass with the solidity and strength of steel. Rieser Heintjes explains, “The work that is created is happy and optimistic and whimsical, strong and like no other.”


Sidney Peter Turner

Sidney Peter Turner present hyper-realistic drawings on paper in Folding Light. Turner’s process begins with the folding of translucent paper to create constructed collages. Once he reaches the desired composition, he uses both natural and colored lights to bring out the delicate hues and luminosity of the folded paper. He then draws these constructions with Prismacolor pencils onto drawing paper that is then adhered to cradled board. The result is impressively delicate and precise renditions that could easily be mistaken for photographs. Sidney Peter Turner states, “My intention is to re-conceptualize visuals from our superstitions and fables. The drawings re-imagine both ancient and modern mythologies, and old ceremonies and rituals are recreated with new visual interpretations to reorient the viewer.”


Judy Mauer

The installation Galaxsea by Judy Mauer is a collection of 30 celestial photographs printed on canvas, hung in a grid and spanning approximately one hundred and forty inches along the On the Wall public space. The series of photos depict reflections of bodies of water taken in very bright light that the artist then alters until they resemble stars. The outcome is a stunning display of what appears to be a selection of otherworldly images.

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