Marjorie Weiss

Marjorie Weiss' latest series Night Lives are digitally produced panoramic prints. They are a continuation of her interest in memory, dimensional uncertainties, and the enigmatic juxtaposition of images and the relationships with their surroundings. Working digitally in Photoshop, Weiss approaches her work with a painter’s perspective using technology to combine the mystifying simplicity of the images with the dimensional ambiguity of the landscape.

Marjorie Weiss has spent the majority of her career in New York City and studied art at the State University at Buffalo, where her interest in memory and reminiscence began. Weiss’ has exhibited in both solo and group exhibitions nationally and internationally. Her work can be found in numerous public and private collections in the United States and abroad including Schwartz Art Collection at the Harvard Business School, St. John's University, Intuit, Inc. and Multi-Art International. 



Artwork Available on Artsy



June 1 - 22, 2017
Peripheral Visions